Explaining the Resurrection in Simple Words

A blessing can be the act

of invoking divine


or a favor or gift

bestowed by god,

and I don’t know

how to define mercy,

but the field

is lit like the heart

of the night, gnats flitting

above the crosshatched grass,

huge shadows of the ballplayers in stadium light

whistling in signals

from the outfield.

The wind lifts and settles

our shirts against our skin,

and you ask after my day:

there’d been pinwheels

spinning on a rain-soaked lawn, pigeons

cooing and nesting in the gutters.

I’d pressed my back to the dark

damp wood of the trunk.

Yellow flowers fell on me.

From North American Stadiums by Grady Chambers. Copyright © 2018 by Grady Chambers. Used with the permission of Milkweed Editions.