In this week's O, Miami Spotlight, we feature a film about "Poetry Pops," a project launched during O, Miami 2015 and created by artist Randy Burman. Forty different poems, written by South Florida residents who responded to an open call, were printed on original wrappers on popiscles made and donated by Eccolo Pops. The pops were free and distributed by an ice cream man named “Shel Shiverstein,” a character played and invented by actor Randy Garcia. Shiverstein attended events all over Miami-Dade County during last April, ultimately distributing 1,700 poetry popsicles.

Directed by P. Scott Cunningham
Videography by Jorge Gonzalez Graupera & Gesi Schilling
Edited by P. Scott Cunningham & Gesi Schilling 
Titles by Topos Graphics