Join us as two dozen poets from around the country gather to pay homage to one of the greats through talks, readings, stories, films, and even song. Participants include:
Ralph Angel, Betsy Brown, Rob Casper, Dan Chelotti, Gillian Conoley, Christopher DeWeese, Paul Dickinson, Kelly Everding, Dobby Gibson, Matthea Harvey, James Haug, Steve Healey, Richard Jackson, Lisa Jaech, Ben Kopel, Seth Landman, Eric Lorberer, Frances McCue, Emily Pettit, Guy Pettit, Alex Phillips, Bin Ramke, Donald Revell, Eugene Richie, William Waltz, Rosanne Wasserman, and Dara Wier.
Music by Brian Laidlaw and the Family Trade
FREE and open to the public!
For more information visit