Dear Ms. Nelson,

It’s hard to imagine the life of a young woman back in 1847, especially if she was of color. I think Charlotte made the best of it. She had a literate friend educate her, learnt about Shakespeare’s plays, in fact she grabbed every opportunity she got and used it to her advantage.

I bet she learnt that from her enterprising and hard-working mother, who had raised her so well despite all the hardships. Charlotte had a respectful job at 24 years of age, which is amazing even by today's standards.  She must have been a role model to her students, who were also facing many hardships.

Charlotte must really love Timothy, to marry him despite the fact that he couldn’t read or write. Maybe she will teach him.

By reading your “Thompson and Seaman Vows, African Union Church” poem I learnt about the true power of women. Thank you for sharing.

Yours Sincerely,

Grade 7
New York, NY

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