Dear Mr. Herrera,

When I was reading your poem “You Can’t Put Muhammad Ali in a Poem,” I was able to see the words spill on the page. For me, this does not happen a lot. I was able to see the March on Washington, all the people running through the streets. It was amazing. When I was a young child I still remember the story of how my grandparents were reading about it on August 28, 1963. They said that it was the first day when there was no race, no color, and no discrimination. It was the first day of freedom to all.

“It Could Be Peace.” This one line of your poem made me think. What if the world had no more wars, no more poverty, and no more race or color? This is the world that I would live in.

Were you at the March on Washington? And if so, what was it like?

What made you think that Muhammad Ali as the importance to the world of thinkers?

This poem made me think about relating one thing to another. This is what I love about your poetry.

Grade 9
Aurora, CO

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