Dear Alberto Ríos from Jayret

Dear Alberto Ríos,

I liked your poem “When Giving Is All We Have.” I liked this poem because it tells the truth about society and how we act, even if sometimes we don’t want to admit it. A part that I liked from your poem was when you said, “You gave me what you did not have, and I gave you what I had to give—together, we made something greater from the difference.” I liked that part of your poem because I’ve always noticed if you give a person something most people have the instinct of giving something back. Then it becomes a cycle. What do you say to the people who don’t want to admit that this is how our lives are? A way that I can relate to this poem because when I was little my aunt gave my family food, just to be kind. My dad said, “How do I give her plate back without seeming ungrateful and give them something back at the same time.” I told him to give her like they did to us, but put it in the plate that they sent the food they gave to us. Every time I look back at this story I always realize how my dad thought he had to give her something back.


Grade 8

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