Caesura is a pause for a beat in the rhythm of a verse, often indicated by a line break or by punctuation. 

From A Poet’s Glossary

The following additional definition of the term caesura is reprinted from A Poet’s Glossary by Edward Hirsch.

From the Latin caedere, meaning “to cut”; a pause in the poetic line. The caesura comes at the end of a unit of sense and is signaled either by a comma or a period. It is marked in scansion by a double vertical line (||). For example, there is a caesura after the semicolon in the first line and after the comma in the second line of this sonnet [“The World Is Too Much With Us”] by William Wordsworth (ca. 1802):

The world is too much with us; || late and soon,
Getting and spending, || we lay waste our powers

See also meter

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