Writing Workshop with Jen Karetnick and Sumita Chakraborty | Beyond the Tip of the Tongue: Revision, Sense, and Play

Join The Open Mouth Reading Series on Sunday, December for a generative workshop with featured poets Jen Karetnick and Sumita Chakraborty. We invite you to take seriously the fact that revision means to “re-envision,” and that the craft of revision can center play, adventure, and using your physical senses instead of following the fallacious Pied Piper named “perfection.” Change the setting of a poem to include different odors and hues; play Mad-Libs with its diction to create different sounds; cut it up and scramble it out of order to feel it with your hands – the possibilities for re-imagining the sensory memories that your poems embody are endless. Through these revision games using published poems and your own in-progress pieces, along with prompts to generate new work, you will give yourself an opportunity to see your poems anew and listen, feel, and even smell or taste the possibilities that they hold.

** The workshop will take place virtually via Zoom with Otter Live Captions. An ASL interpreter will be present. Access copies of workshop materials will be made available via Google Docs. Register for the virtual workshop by clicking on the "Registration" button on the Eventbrite page, donating any amount you can, and entering the required fields. You will receive an email with the Zoom information. Suggested donation of $5.