Turbulent Choices: Publishing in 2021

SMU presents the Dallas Literary Festival as a way to showcase and encourage conversations about contemporary literature, both on campus and in the larger community.

Sebastian H. Paramo, founding editor of THE BOILER and poetry editor for Deep Vellum (moderator) with Saul Hernandez, managing director of Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review; Lev Keltner, chapbooks editor at Newfound and author of the novel Goodnight; Alana King, associate editor for Your Impossible Voice and editor-in-chief for Reunion: The Dallas Review; and Jenny Molberg, director of Pleiades Press and co-editor for Pleiades: Literature in Context.

Supporting Authors & Independent Bookstores:
Please consider buying books by our festival authors from one of the Dallas-area bookstores here, or from your own local independent bookseller.