- Mask requested for in-person attendance
- Tune in to the video livestream
The Poetry Center, in conjunction with Tripwire: a journal of poetics, and together with our friends at Medicine for Nightmares, presents this latest program in the Tripwire Cross-Cultural Poetics Series. Our honored guests are Alana Marie Levinson-Labrosse and Shook, prolific poet-translators whose work is devoted to persecuted languages and endangered literatures, with an emphasis on a relational, not extractive, approach to translation. They are joined by their friend and co-worker Zêdan Xelef, poet-translator and presently graduate student in the MFA writing program at SF State, as interlocutor and representative of The Poetry Center. Please join us!
This event is free and open to the public.
Now in its fifth year, the annual Tripwire Cross-Cultural Poetics Series focuses on cultural and poetic work seen from outside narrow nation-state points of view, presenting poets and related artists often deeply engaged in the poetics and politics of translation and offering models for practice.
(Details soon)
Video, other programs in the series:
Etel Adnan, a Memorial Tribute: May 14, 2022
Momtaza Mehri and Zoé Samudzi: March 13, 2021
Cardboard House Press: Giancarlo Huapaya, Omar Pimienta, José Antonio Villarán: November 7, 2019