Meet the Poet, Farnaz Fatami, Artist in Residence in The Betsy Writers Room.
Stay for a Poetry reading with Farnaz Fatami and Fabienne Josaphat
Poet and Co-founder of SWWIM, Catherine Esposito Prescott will host.
The event will be held in The Carlton Room, Hohauser Wing, The Betsy Hotel
Enter through 1433 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Fl.
This event is sponsored by SWWIM - Supporting Women Writers in Miami - in partnership withThe Betsy Hotel.
Farnaz Fatemi is a founding member of the Hive Poetry Collective and was a writing instructor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her poems and prose appear in Catamaran Literary Reader, Crab Orchard Review, Grist Journal, Tupelo Quarterly, and several anthologies, including Essential Voices: Poetry of Iran and Its Diaspora.
Fabienne Josaphat received her M.F.A. in creative writing from Florida International University. Her short stories have appeared in various journals and magazines, including The Caribbean Writer and MiamiZine. Dancing in the Baron’s Shadow is her first novel - for which she won the 2023 PEN/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction.
SWWIM (Supporting Women Writers in Miami) was co-founded by Jen Karetnick and Catherine Esposito Prescott. SWWIM publishes, promotes, and celebrates women-identifying writers and all gender-expansive definitions of that term with a year-round reading series held at The Betsy-South Beach in Miami Beach, FL and the online poetry journal SWWIM Every Day. Poems first published in SWWIM Every Day have been included in Best American Poetry and the Best American Poetry blog, Best of the Net, Best Spiritual Literature, The Orison Anthology,, Poetry Daily, The Slowdown, Substack Reads, The Writer’s Almanac, and Women's Voices for Change, among other anthologies, podcasts, and columns, and have garnered Pushcart nominations from contributing editors.