Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center celebrates fifty years of cultivating Los Angeles poetry with a free, three-day festival from November 16 through November 18, 2018.
The festival will kick off on Friday, November 16, with a special reception, reading, and discussion featuring Anne Waldman and Will Alexander. Events on Saturday, November 17 will include a retrospective focused on some of Beyond Baroque’s most notable alumni; readings curated by Red Hen Press, Kaya Press, and Jack Jones Literary Arts; a roundtable on poetic communities in Los Angeles; a poetry film festival; and a reading of new work commissioned for the festival by Kimiko Hahn, Morgan Parker, and Vanessa Angélica Villarreal.
The festival will kick off on Friday, November 16, with a special reception, reading, and discussion featuring Anne Waldman and Will Alexander. Events on Saturday, November 17 will include a retrospective focused on some of Beyond Baroque’s most notable alumni; readings curated by Red Hen Press, Kaya Press, and Jack Jones Literary Arts; a roundtable on poetic communities in Los Angeles; a poetry film festival; and a reading of new work commissioned for the festival by Kimiko Hahn, Morgan Parker, and Vanessa Angélica Villarreal.
The festival will conclude on Sunday, November 18 with readings curated by PEN America, Rattle, Lambda Literary, and Gunpowder Press; and a reading from Best American Poetry 2018 featuring Ilya Kaminsky, Dana Gioia, and others. Kimiko Hahn, Janice Lee, Peter J. Harris, and Jeffrey Schultz will also teach free workshops.
For tickets and more details, including additional events, visit Presented in partnership with the Poetry Foundation. Additional sponsors include the Academy of American Poets and the Cal State LA Center for Contemporary Poetry and Poetics.
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