#PoetryNearYou Pick of the Week: Blaney Lecture by Alicia Ostriker on "Poetry & the City"

New York State Poet and Academy Chancellor Alicia Ostriker will deliver this year’s Blaney Lecture with a talk on "Poetry & the City" on Friday, November 30, 2018, 7 p.m., at the Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House, 58 W 10th St, New York, NY 10003.
Alicia Ostriker is the author of numerous poetry collections, including Waiting for the Light (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017), which received the National Jewish Book Award. She is a professor emerita of English at Rutgers University.
The Blaney Lecture on contemporary poetry and poetics is offered annually in New York City by a prominent poet. Past lectures have been given by Claudia Rankine, Sharon Olds, Joy Harjo, Richard Blanco, Carolyn Forche, Elizabeth Alexander, Susan Howe, and Anne Carson. The lecture was created in memory of former Academy of American Poets Board member Dr. Dorothy Gulbenkian Blaney, past president of Cedar Crest College and champion of women and education, by a gift from her estate.

This event is co-hosted by the NYU Creative Writing Program and is free and open to the public. Limited seats will be available.

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