Beyond Baroque presents the fourth installment of The Poetry Stage Redux, a series of readings by nationally acclaimed poets from the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Poetry Stage. Featured readers for December 17 include Joshua Bennett, Gillian Conoley, Heid E Erdrich, Forrest Gander, Carmen Giménez Smith, Mark Irwin, Didi Jackson, Elizabeth Jacobson, Patricia Smith, Page Starzinger, and Tess Taylor.
The full series will take place over four weeks in November and December and will feature over 40 poets. Every year, the Poetry Stage at the Festival of Books forms a major part of Los Angeles’ literary calendar. Poets with new or recent books gather from across the country to read from their work. This year, due to COVID-19, the Festival of Books, and the Poetry Stage, had to be canceled.
In the spirit of keeping new poetry visible during COVID-19, Beyond Baroque and the L.A. Times Festival of Books Poetry Stage curator and moderator, Elena Karina Byrne, present a majority of the festival’s originally scheduled lineup along with a selection of additional writers celebrating their new books. Click here to see the lineup for the full series, and to reserve tickets for additional installments.
This event will be streamed live via Crowd Cast. Participants will receive a link to the program after registering. All events will be free.
Note: though the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is supportive of the Poetry Stage Redux, this presentation is not produced or funded by the Festival.