Alan Shapiro is the author of over thirteen volumes of poetry, including Life Pig (University of Chicago Press, 2016), Reel to Reel (University of Chicago Press, 2014), a finalist for the 2014 Pulitzer Prize, and Night of the Republic (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012). He has also published two memoirs and the novel Broadway Baby (Algonquin Books, 2012).
David Orr, in his review of Reel to Reel published in the The New York Times, says of his work: "Shapiro is a master of the middle tone (as well as most of the formal techniques in poetry’s capacious toolbox), and he probes the deeper places of the self with a skilled psychologist’s gentle persistence. A delicately disquieting collection."
Free and open to the public; no tickets or reservations necessary.
Co-sponsored by the Edelstein-Keller Visiting Writer Series, the University of Minnesota Creative Writing Program, the University of Minnesota Department of English, and the Weisman Art Museum.
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