INSTRUCTOR: Cynthia Childress
TIME: Sunday, February 18th, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM, with a lunch break
Do you shy away from open mics because you don’t like the sound of your voice? Do you wish you could read your own writing with more confidence? Do you wonder how other writers can so effortlessly impact and connect with a live audience?
In the first half of the day, we will workshop our writing by reading aloud and listening for moments when the words lose their music. We will also investigate our goals for listeners and make sure these goals are reflected in the work. After lunch, we will choreograph the delivery of our writing by considering speaker and audience to determine tone, dramatic shifts, necessary pauses, moments to intensify emotion, and strategic gestures. Then we’ll end the day with a reading of our revised work. You will leave with a unique set of revision skills and all the tools you need to read your writing aloud.