Make Room: Annelyse Gelman, Francisco Márquez & m.s. RedCherries

Annelyse Gelman’s book-length poem Vexations (University of Chicago Press) received the James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets and was longlisted for the National Book Award. In addition to the poetry collection Everyone I Love Is a Stranger to Someone (Write Bloody, 2014), the experimental pop EP About Repulsion (Fonograf Editions, 2019), and the artist’s book POOL (NECK, 2020), Gelman is the founder of Midst (, an app and digital publishing platform showcasing the writing processes of contemporary poets. Her work has appeared in the New Yorker, the Iowa Review, Best New Zealand Poetry, Harper’s Magazine, BOMB MagazineAmerican Poetry Review, and elsewhere, and her poetry-films have been screened internationally, including in Germany, Slovenia, Belgium, and Austria. Find her at

Francisco Márquez is a poet from Maracaibo, Venezuela, born in Miami, Florida. His work has been featured in the Yale Review, the Brooklyn Rail, the Slowdown podcast, and the Best American Poetry anthology. He has received support from the Tin House Writer's Workshop, The Poetry Project, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, where he was a 2019-2020 Poetry Fellow. He works and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

m.s. RedCherries is a citizen of the Northern Cheyenne Nation. She received an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a JD from Arizona State University College of Law. Her debut collection, mother, is out from Penguin Books.