KGB: Monday Night Poetry - Shane McCrae + Rachel Zucker + Christine Gosnay

Shane McCrae is the author of five books of poetry: In the Language of My Captor (Wesleyan University Press, 2017), which was short-listed for the National Book Award; The Animal Too Big to Kill (Persea Books, 2015), winner of the 2014 Lexi Rudnitsky/Editor’s Choice Award; Forgiveness Forgiveness (Factory Hollow Press, 2014); Blood (Noemi Press, 2013); and Mule (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2011). He is the recipient of a Whiting Writers’ Award and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. He teaches at Columbia University.
Rachel Zucker is the author of nine books, most recently, a memoir, MOTHERs, and a double collection of prose and poetry, The Pedestrians. Her book Museum of Accidents was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. She received a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in 2013. Zucker teaches poetry at New York University and is currently delivering a series of lectures on the intersection of poetry, confession, ethics and disobedience as part of the Bagley Wright Lecture Series.
Christine Gosnay is the founding editor of The Cossack Review. Her first book of poetry, Even Years, won the Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize and will be published in 2017 by Kent State University Press. Her work has been selected for publication in POETRY, Redivider, The Missouri Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Third Coast, The Collagist, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Sixth Finch, Sugar House Review, The Rumpus, and other magazines.