The Merwin Conservancy presents an intimate evening with current U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo in the Green Room, an arts and ecology salon series hosted by the Conservancy with a mission to foster a reverence for language, nature, and imagination. This event is part of a special “Memorial Series” of the Green Room, held in honor of the organization’s founder, the late W.S. Merwin.
Harjo is the first Native American to be named U.S. Poet Laureate. Of Harjo, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden said, “To her, poems are 'carriers of dreams, knowledge and wisdom,' and through them, she tells an American story of tradition and loss, reckoning and myth-making. Her work powerfully connects us to the earth and the spiritual world with direct, inventive lyricism that helps us reimagine who we are."
The presentation will be followed by a book-signing at a courtyard reception with refreshments.