Charlotte Digregorio, author of Haiku and Senryu: A Simple Guide for All, will be giving a comprehensive presentation on the art of haiku, from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, April 29, at Northfield Public Library, 1785 Orchard Lane, Nortfield, IL. It is free and open to the public.
Whatever your personal, educational, or professional background, you can be creative and learn to write and publish haiku!
Written in usually one to four lines, haiku are relevant, intriguing, and can be written on any theme. They allow you to capture your life’s moments, (happy or sad), in affirming and rewarding ways. Therapeutic in our complex and chaotic world, haiku give us peace and hope, and in reading and writing them, we exercise wisdom in heartfelt ways.
Included in the presentation/workshop are: discussion of haiku’s content/style; a brief history of the form; sample poems to review,; writing a haiku,; and publishing tips. Further, haiku journals will be awarded as prizes for the best written haiku in the workshop.
Charlotte Digregorio, author of six award-winning books, including Haiku and Senryu: A Simple Guide for All, and a haiku collection, Shadows of Seasons, writes eleven poetic forms, has won forty-six poetry awards, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her poems have been translated into eight languages; she translates poetry books from Italian into English; and her traveling haiga show (haiku illustrated with art) is featured at libraries, hospitals, corporate centers, and restaurants, and on public transit, among several venues. Four of her reference books have been adopted as supplemental texts and are featured selections of book clubs. She has given workshops at national writer's conferences; is a writer-in-residence at universities; teaches haiku in the public schools; judges national writers’ contests; and speaks regularly at libraries/chain bookstores. Charlotte hosted a radio poetry program on public broadcasting, and was an executive officer of the Haiku Society of America. Currently, she is an Ambassador for The Haiku Foundation. She blogs about writing for publication and poetry, and posts The Daily Haiku from global poets at She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Pomona College and The University of Chicago, respectively, and taught languages/literatures and writing at university level for decades.