Caroline Bergvall is an award-winning poet & performer. Her publications include Drift (Nightboat Books, 2014; recipient of the Cholmondeley Award for Poetry), Meddle English: New and Selected Texts (Nightboat Books, 2011), and the DVD Ghost Pieces: five language-based installations. She was the first recipient of the Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou, Paris. She’s based in London.
mai c. doan is a poet from Los Angeles. She has published & performed her work though the National Queer Arts Festival, RADAR Productions, Entropy Magazine, and Mixed Up!: A Zine about Mixed Race Queer and Feminist Experience. She holds an MFA from Mills College. water/tongue (Omnidawn, 2019) is her first full-length book. Online: @maicdoan / ♥
Accessibility: The venue is located down one flight of stairs. Entrance is $5 (cash only), which goes to the readers. A B C D E F M to W4th St / Washington Square Station