Book Release: Wolf Lamb Bomb by Aviya Kushner

Join us for a book release event, celebrating Aviya Kushner's debut poetry collection, Wolf Lamb Bomb, followed by a discussion on religion, social empathy, and allyship with Hebrew translator Adriana X. Jacobs.

Wolf Lamb Bomb revives and reimagines the Book of Isaiah in an intimate conversation between woman and prophet. In the aftermath of September 11th, ongoing violence in the Middle East, and resurgent anti-Semitism, Kushner reflects on a Biblical understanding of humanity and justice. Wolf Lamb Bomb wonders equally about our relationship with an inherited past and our desire to understand the precarious present. These poems place the prophet Isaiah in the position of poet, crooner, and rival as they search for a guide in poetry and in life.

Adriana X. Jacobs is Associate Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature at the University of Oxford and author of Strange Cocktail: Translation and the Making of Modern Hebrew Poetry (2018, University of Michigan Press). Her translations of Hebrew poetry have appeared in Gulf CoastAnomalyWorld Literature TodayNorth American ReviewThe Ilanot Review, among others, as well as in the collection Women’s Hebrew Poetry on American Shores: Poems by Anne Kleiman and Annabelle Farmelant (Wayne State UP, 2016). Her translation of Vaan Nguyen’s The Truffle Eye was published this year by Zephyr Press. She is currently translating Tahel Frosh’s Avarice with the support of a NEA Translation Grant.

This event is co-sponsored by the Seminary Co-op Bookstore and The Guild Literary Complex.