Book Launch: Alyson Gold Weinberg's Bellow & Hiss

Join us for the launch of poet Alyson Gold Weinberg's debut poetry collection, Bellow & Hiss, on Wednesday, November 15, at 144 Montague St and via Zoom! Doors will open for in-person guests at 6 PM and the reading will begin at 7 PM. Book signing to follow.

Note that by attending this event, you agree to abide by our code of conduct and COVID-19 policyWe strongly encourage all attendees to wear masks (regardless of vaccination status) except readers at a safe distance on stage. Brooklyn Poets reserves the right to dismiss from our programs any participant found to be in violation of these policies. Thank you for respecting our community.

About Bellow & Hiss

"Riding shotgun with Oedipus, your mother, and the pothole in your heart," Bellow & Hiss navigates generational suffering and hurtles headlong toward reverie. The collection’s knowing "I" interrogates the dark gift of childhood trauma, the nature of family, and the weaving together of identity. Bellow & Hiss asks: "Have you ever been properly pruned? A love equation carved into your skin?" What does it mean to bear fruit from rotten seeds? Tucked among the branches and brambles of this collection are revelations about growing up and upward, spiritual endurance, and the art of creating oneself. The "scarred arms" in Bellow & Hiss—of drowning Ophelias, anthropomorphic dieffenbachias, and pandemic Penelopes—reach toward the light, "gasping for living things."

About the Author

Alyson Gold Weinberg renders the "yearning curve" from trauma to transcendence in this, her debut poetry collection, chosen as part of Finishing Line Press's New Women's Voices Series. Alyson's poems have appeared in literary magazines and anthologies including decemberOne ArtHalfway Down the StairsThe Best of Choeofpleirn Press and Movable Type, among others. She is a 2021 Jeff Marks Memorial Prize finalist, judged by Carl Phillips; the 2021 Inner Loop/District Fray Poetry Prize winner; and the 2021 Derick Burleson Prize winner. She is also a 2022 Harbor Review Jewish Women’s Poetry Prize finalist. When not writing poetry, plays and speeches, or ghostwriting nonfiction books, Alyson enjoys binge-watching Ru Paul's Drag Race with her family.