Black Lawrence Press: Far Villages Anthology Launch

Black Lawrence Press is celebrating the launch of Far Villages: Welcome Essays for New and Beginner Poets, edited by Abayomi Animashaun, with virtual events. Featuring anthology editor, Abayomi Animashaun, plus contributors: David Shumate, Michelle Bonczek Evory, Michael Angel Martin, and Tanis MacDonald.

About the Anthology: Poetry manuals, at their most essential, are aimed at demystifying aspects of poetry, in order to make poetry less daunting – especially for beginner poets. Such manuals are also reminders that poetry itself is a discipline with a landscape and a history. Far Villages builds on the body of work in this tradition by bringing a number of established and emerging poets together in a single volume to welcome new and beginner poets to the art of poetry, its craft, and the long journey within it.