Art & Words: An Exhibition of Art & Poetry Inspiring One Another

Emerge Gallery celebrates National Poetry Month with Art & Words, an exhibition where 26 artists and 21 poets create new art and poetry inspired by one another’s work. Opening reception, Saturday, April 6 from 5-8 PM and closing reception and poetry reading Sunday April 28, 2019, 2-5 PM. On exhibit Fri, Sat, Sun 11-6 PM and at
Art & Words consists of an exhibition of art and poetry— side-by-side — that includes artists and poets inspiring one another. Existing poetry was collected by19 invited poets and artwork was curated from 26 artists throughout the Hudson Valley and New York Metropolitan area. Those artists and poets were given the opportunity to select poems or pieces of art that spoke to them from the submitted work and to create a new piece of art—be it a visual art piece or poem—based on the original inspiration. The challenge will be in determining which came first, the poem or the artwork.
Participating artists are Loel Barr, Diane Christi, Al Desetta, Josh Dorman, Andrea Geller, Elizabeth Gordon, Martha Hill, Leah Brown Klein, David Kulik, Cheryl Lickona, Linda Lynton, Marjorie Magid, Ellen Martin, Ann Morris, Elaine Ralston, Joanne Pagano Weber, and jd weiss. Participating poets are Michelle DeCicco, Monica T. Fiorentini, Sari Grandstaff, Gwynneth Green, Barbara Hall, Pina Russell, Allen Shadow, Anique Taylor, and Bruce Weber. Debra Friedkin, Josepha Gutelius, Robert P. Langdon, Kathleen MacKenzie, Ellen McKay, Will Nixon, Prudence See, Elizabeth Shafer, and Ana C.H. Silva are participating as both artists and poets. 
Art & Words is part of the celebration of National Poetry Month in the Village of Saugerties sponsored by Shout Out Saugerties and consisted of various poetry events and related activities throughout the month of April. Additional information may be found on the Shout Out Saugerties Facebook page. Artwork from Art & Words will be available to view and purchase through the Emerge Gallery shop at