As part of the 2021 Dear Poet project, students around the country and the world wrote letters to David St. John in response to a video of him reading his poem “In the High Country” aloud. David St. John wrote letters back to three of these students; their letters and his replies are included below.

David St. John also wrote a response to all of the participants of this year's Dear Poet project.

I want to thank everyone for your wonderful letters and for the amazing insights and deeply personal reflections you’ve shared with me. It’s been a truly moving experience for me to hear your voices and to watch as you discovered aspects of yourselves within your experiences of the poem, “In the High Country. I am so sorry that I’m not able to respond personally to each one of you, but please know how grateful I am to have read your words, ideas and questions, and to have been able to learn a little bit about each of you. For that and for your clear love of poetry, please let me say thank you.

--David St. John

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