John William Boone (1864–1927) world-renowned Ragtime pianist


my motto for life

                      - merit, not sympathy, wins-

                                              my song against death.


i stroke piano’s

                           eighty eight mouths. each one sings

                                        hot colors of joy


                                                                                     pentatonic black

                                                                 keys raise up high into bliss,

                                                 born to sing my name


                    whippoorwill, hawk, crow

                                   sing madrigals for blind men.

                    forests blooms through each note.


                               my eyes: buried deep

                                             beneath earth’s skin. my vision

                               begins in her womb.


                         darkness sounds like God

                                             flowering from earth's molten tomb...

                         writhed wind. chorded cries.


rain, flower, sea, wind

           map my dark horizon. i

                                              inhale earth’s songbook

Copyright © 2016 by Tyehimba Jess. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on April 6, 2016, by the Academy of American Poets.

The light of a candle
               is transferred to another candle—
               spring twilight.

From Haiku Master Buson by Yosa Buson. Copyright © 2007 by Yosa Buson, translated by Edith Shiffert. Reprinted by permission of White Pine Press.

follow that airplane
of course I'm high   this is
an emergency


giant Scots terrier
I thought I saw was known as
Taxicab Mountain


brown photo   legend
"serene enjoyment" they suck
pipes bones crumbled back


night train whistles   stars
over a nation under
mad temporal czars


round lumps of cells grow
up to love porridge   later
become The Supremes


lady I lost my
subway token   we must part
it's faster by air


"but it's our world"
tiny blue hands and green arms
your thought in my room


sweet bouzouki sound
another syntax for heads
up to the aether


in you the in moon
its rays entwined in my mind's
hair   hangs down right in


viewing the dragon
there they ride slim through my dream
Carpaccio's pair


slow bloom inside you
the mnemonics of loving
incessant chatter


far shore Ferris wheel
turning glowing humming   love
in our lit-up heads


switch them to sleep now
the flying foxes swarm out
great   it's flurry time


wind rain you and me
went looking for a new house
o the grass grows loud

From Notes on the Possibilities and Attractions of Existence, by Anselm Hollo, published by Coffee House Press. Copyright © 2001 Anselm Hollo. Reprinted by permission of Coffee House Press. All rights reserved.