An Unflinching Eye: Carolyn Forché and her Poetry of Witness

The Howard County Poetry and Literature Society (HoCoPoLitSo) presents An Unflinching Eye: Carolyn Forché and her Poetry of Witness for its annual Lucille Clifton Reading Series season opener.  Acclaimed poet, translator, editor and teacher Carolyn Forché won the Academy of American Poets Fellowship for distinguished poetic achievement in 2014.  “For her steady gaze into the abyss and for her crafted house of awakened human heavens where she calls us to live,” said academy chancellor and National Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera, “we celebrate and recognize Carolyn Forché and her heroic career: gathering word-by-word embers … to face and save lives. Before they are disappeared.”

Reading followed by Q and A, book sale and signing.

General admission tickets are on a pay-as-you-can basis — $10 or $5 each or free for students under the age of 18 — and are available on-line at or by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope and check payable and mailed to HoCoPoLitSo, 10901 Little Patuxent Parkway, Horowitz Center 200, Columbia, MD 21044.

Visit for more information.