Join us for an afternoon of poetry in English and Spanish. Tino Villanueva will read from his latest book So Spoke Penelope, as well as some of his earlier work. Alicia Borinsky and Regina Galasso will read from and discuss their collaboration on Lost Cities Go to Paradise/Las Ciudades Perdidas Van Al Paraíso. Alicia will also read selections from her earlier work.
Tino Villanueva writes and also paints. He is the author of seven books of poetry, including Scene from the Movie GIANT (1993), winner of a 1994 American Book Award, and So Spoke Penelope (2013). His poems appear in many high school and college textbooks, and his paintings on the covers and inside pages of U.S. and international cultural journals: Green Mountains Review, TriQuarterly, Parnassus, Connecticut Review. Six of his poems have been anthologized in The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature (2011). His latest publication has been an ekphrastic poem in this past March issue of Poetry magazine. He retired from Boston University, June 2015.
Alicia Borinsky is a poet, novelist and literary critic. She has published widely in the US, Latin America and Europe and has been the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Latino Award for fiction and several other distinctions. She also serves as Professor of Latin American and Comparative Literature at Boston University and Director of the Boston University Cultural Program in Buenos Aires.
Regina Galasso is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, specializing in literary and cultural relations between Anglophone and Hispanophone writers and artists, literature of the city, and literary translation, with a particular focus on New York City and its deep impact on the literature of Spain from the 20th century to the present.