As eclectic as the city itself, The New York Quarterly Reading Series presents a variety of poetic voices from all walks of life—regardless of genre and school of thought—and geographically from across the country. Diverse and unique, the one thing these voices all have in common is that they have appeared in the pages of the New York Quarterly poetry magazine, so coming to a reading is just as exciting, unexpected, and open as turning a page in the magazine.
This month’s reading will be an out-of-town poets night featuring Ayala Sella, author of the book soliloquies of a crosswalker (Wasteland Press, 2011); Daniel Y. Harris, author of Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Cervena Barva Press, 2013); Nicelle Davis, author of In the Circus of You (Rose Metal Press); and John Ronan, author of Marrowbone Lane (Backwaters Press) and Poet Laureate of Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Signed copies of the authors' books with be available for sale after the reading.
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