Join the Rural Oklahoma Museum of Poetry and special guest Chicago drummer River Roberts for a celebration of the movement of autumn into the world. This event is inspired by Carl Sandburg’s poem “Autumn Movement,” which describes the change of seasons and “the beautiful things” that come and go in our lives. River Roberts, a rhythm and drum specialist, will facilitate two audience-participation performances, one on Sept. 25 at Pipe Springs Park, Locust Grove, and one on Sept. 26 at the Rural Oklahoma Museum of Poetry. On Sept. 25, Friday afternoon, bring your drum, homemade or not, or any musical instrument and celebrate autumn with poetry from ROMP director Shaun Perkins and a drumming jam session led by River at Locust Grove’s Pipe Springs Park. On Sept. 26, Saturday night, come out to ROMP and enjoy museum activities, a drum workshop from River, and a drumming circle around an autumn bonfire with anyone joining in. Another special guest, Arden Goewert, will be teaching folk dances that anyone can join in. Museum director Shaun Perkins will do some impromptu group poetry. And winners of the tin can drum competition will be announced. For more information, visit All events are free and open to the public. Donations accepted. ROMP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations fund the museum’s continuing work.