Joanne M. Braxton

Joanne M. Braxton is the editor of The Collected Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar (University of Virginia Press, 1993). She keynoted the 2006 Paul Laurence Dunbar Centennial Conferences at Stanford and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and lectured on Dunbar for the internal university of the Library of Congress. A poet, scholar, and healer, Braxton, the Frances L. and Edwin L. Cummings Professor of the Humanities Emeritus at William & Mary, has assisted the American Association of Medical Colleges in integrating the arts and humanities, especially poetry, into lifespan medical education for health care workers. She is currently a Wenner-Gren Fellow, a Fellow of the Hastings Center for Bioethics, and the lead creative for the Braxton Institute for Sustainability, Resiliency and Joy.