First Bull of the Spanish Enlightenment

by Yeldana Talgatkyzy


The children broke the barrera doors and tracked

down where slept the undefeated bull. They impaled

the sleeping beast, cut him into pieces, and moved his

parts into an abandoned forge. They built a fire and

Cooked his hard, brittle bones over the impatient hearth.

They ate all of him, unsalted. They crushed his horns

Into dust and wore his skin as stockings. They ate all

Of him without chewing, and he went down their

Throats, cutting, slicing their skin open. When there was

Nothing left of him, they threw up nails and needles.

They put down the fire and walked back home in silence.

When they stepped into the hard floor of the house,

The open coffin greeted them holding on greedily to their

Matador father, corpus bravo


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