In that Yellow Light

by Lily Bibro


I think of you here

When it storms

And always catch you lurking

Reflected in puddles

Illuminated by streetlamps,

Fighting against midnight rain.

I wonder how you manage to shine so clearly

Through the mud, through my footsteps

Whose waves distort your image.

Through the cigarette butts and loose change

That cover your nose and dimple your cheeks

Puddle after puddle

You stare forth undaunted

Ushering me home.

I invite you in,

A cup of water from the kitchen

Eagerly accepts your reflection.

Cradling you in porcelain,

I stand in the meager light

Watching your dimples fade

I remember that night

When we sat on the pavement,

Cracked and loose like biscuit dough

Welting our skin and blackening our soles.

We ran just far enough,

From your mom,

From anyone else,

Together, feeling dangerous.

The lone streetlamp fluttering

Softly, on that July night

Your eyes turned green

In that yellow light.

I remember that day

Face masks and hummus in my twin bed.

Smoke furling out the window

Nothing left undiscussed.

We sat in the bathroom,

You hunched over me sat on the sink

And I perched on my desk chair, as you

Softly patted makeup onto my eyelids

Under fluorescent sunshine.

So atrocious it was, that only laughter

Could make it beautiful

In that yellow light.

I remember being girls together

We sprawled on young grass, hands clasped

Before it all.

When you look up at the sky outside the studio,

Do you pray for rain?

Or do you savor daylight

And beg for drought?

I wander out to the back patio some nights

And sit on the wet, smooth ground

Searching for you in the dampness

Water drips down chrome bike spokes

That glimmer under the beaver moon

You flash by in that yellow light.


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