My Lady

by Natalie Beckner


Oh, Lady Liberty, oh lady free,

Oh, my lady, how I envy thee,

You've seen the ideal, you’ve shown it to me,

My Lady Liberty, my lady free.

Oh, Lady Justice, oh lady fair,

The cloth on your eyes and in your hair,

Sat upon your throne as I weep on your stairs,

My Lady Justice, my lady fair.

Oh, Lady Liberty, oh lady free,

How is it, my lady, you don’t see me,

How dare you, my lady, not hear my pleas,

My Lady Liberty, my lady free.

Oh, Lady Justice, oh lady fair,

Why is it not me that you spare,

Coat hanger in hand; my face a blank stare,

My Lady Justice, my lady fair.

Oh, Lady Liberty, oh lady free,

Of some things I cannot agree,

Should I be stoned or should I take leave,

My Lady Liberty, my lady free.

Oh, Lady Justice, oh lady fair,

Am I to atone for what I am not aware,

Your dogmatism strips me naked and bare,

My Lady Justice, my lady fair.

Oh, Lady Liberty, oh lady free,

You do not speak the same language as me,

You've cut my ties and sent me ‘cross seas,

My lady liberty, my lady free.

Oh, Lady Justice, oh lady fair,

Where is my regard when with men there’s such care,

How can you see all with vision impaired,

My Lady Justice, my lady fair.

Oh Lady Liberty, oh lady free

If you had the chance, would you try to flee,

If you were me, would you want to be,

My Lady Liberty, my lady free.

Oh Lady Justice, oh lady fair,

Is there an oath that you can swear,

To finally do better or choose a new heir,

My Lady Justice, my lady fair.


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