Trees Talk Tall Lives

by Horane Daley


                    I won’t die a tall Tree’s life.

Preserving their carbon, I envy

athletes of the forest, emblem

shields of microbe equilibrium,

gilded threads of fertilizer buried as

offerings, sprouting…


                    Tall trees Live

In compost. Where lays

human maggot decay.

bugs raking their way,

they say,

nutrients tastier than


                    Tall trees protect

The Sun, which desiccates

the veins of algae and fungi

bandwidth of mycelium to supply

augmented afros, Filtering the

gleam. Cascaded


                    Trees talk tall Lives

A flower

into a tree. In contempt, I

Earned, valiantly

yearned, No message

returned from the roots. Do…


                    Not all trees live tall lives

They hear my web?

praying for the mother's thread.

sending chemical feedback,

offerings so I won’t blossom

when I’m dead.


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