tourist attractions in key west

by Madeline Torrez


i. reef snorkel & sail adventure excursion package

duvets of sea slip over

your feet in the peculiar shade of sky

as dictated by sun and moon.

you see sand three fathoms down,

fish shimmy like silk scarves,

scales scintillating

like the silver cobs arrested

in the elbows and knees of ancient coral.

you tell yourself curses drown in the current;


ii. southernmost point and higgs memorial beach

so, you carve crucifix and ceramic

from the boneyard reef,

strangle your hands with loops of gold,

and twine, and iron and

claw yourself an escape to the surface.

you lay your treasure at the feet of ghost-

rot wood and hurricane sheared sails;

count up abandoned shells, lizard-shed

skins, chicken feathers,

and all matter of island debris.

then, at foghorn blast,


iii. historic downtown walking tour

you pick up your towel and shovel it

into your bag with your coins

and your plates and your shells and your limes

and flip-flop smack your way back

past the empty history museum,

and the aquarium with the peeling paint,

and the colony of polydactyl cats stretched out

in the caches of shade along the path

one blast more, a warning—

          the city drains, droves of sunburned

          and sand-dusted cruisers swarm

          the pier with their overfilled bags and

          their damp towels, and

          their glossy postcards, and

          their kitschy t-shirts.

          scuttle up the gangway—

          like gulls from the shore— into

          the steel atlantis that stole the island

          and swallowed it whole.


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