Asians Who Misbehave

by Caitlin Wong


I’m troubled. So they told me,

But not in writing. No,

It was playground hand games and

Newspaper clippings and two girls

Sneaking a kiss on the train.

I’m troubled. So I told myself, the problem

Child, the black sheep, the middle

Sibling. They lost that Golden

girl, that Sparkly Woman,

Ana Roxanne and me both:

               In a fraction of a second

All I am is

Nothing—or, star flower

in his mind. He’s on me like

Eyeliner smudge. That stuff,

Doesn’t wash off so easy in water,

I learned the hard way. That they all

Wanted me this way. I knew from the

Posters on his wall. Girl doesn’t even

Look like me, but she’s drawn with

Slanted eyes and Hiragana, so

Same thing. I jumped at being desired,

Wouldn’t you too? If you learned to be ugly

'Til strangers on the street started

Tossing you a bone, then all the sudden

I’m exotic, docile, misbehaving just for you.

Lighting one up now, just for me.

Bad behavior is my specialty. Time to

Put on my Big Boy shoes, I said, and

Quit it with the chipped black nail polish.

I’ve got a brand new attitude.


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