The End of the End

by Brian Flynn


Do you remember

our beautiful life? The same

one you mentioned

near the end, subtle

as a cat’s yawn?

Do you remember

Miss Essie crying?

Pope John Paul II had died;

we were in the living room,

and she was crying.

I am just now learning

loss, and there’s fresh honey

on the roadside.

Do you think his world

is ending? It’s just before

a rain, and he is selling honey

from his truck bed.

Say something about our yellow

house and Charlie

in the yard— something about

our beautiful life.

Say something about catching gar

with cotton balls,

how it snares up in their teeth.

I think the world will end

with hound dogs baying.

I’m not so sure it ends

like this.

Do you still believe in God?

Some days I do. Do you


our beautiful life?

Do you remember the chicken coop?

This feels like the end

of the end.

We are barefoot

in the kitchen. The cutting board

is always out.

We are drunk and need no sleep.


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