
by Asha Futterman


my favorite place

          was destroyed by barack obama

he’s building a library

          in my neighborhood in the grass

where i liked to sit

          and watch my dogs play

i would have protested

          but the grass didn’t have a name

it was in the shape of a circle

          though so i called it the circle garden

now it’s called the obama center

          they always need to give a field

a body and a face

          so they can empathize with it

don’t you think that’s dangerous

          don’t you think it’s dangerous

to be naked where someone could see you

          i ask arman while he pees in the woods

arman says maybe

          communities should be three hundred people

we can give three hundred people

          a name and an argument

so if we don’t want anyone

          in our community to be disposable

we should live in a place that small

          but i like chicago

i want a neighborhood with everything

          the construction crew found a noose

on the site of the obama center

          i google image searched

and someone took a photo

          that zooms in on an almost clear plastic bag

with a noose in it

          the construction company is black-owned

and offered $100,000 to anyone

          with information about the incident

there are some things

          we will never understand about each other

i would never let the trees see my body

          i tell arman

it might give them pleasure


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