My Hero

by Julianna Mariani


                              For Dad


the phone rang

one         two

hallo? grandma’s accent cracked her greeting

maria?                                                       lisa? come here

i watched my aunt move from the couch to the kitchen

the two of them hurried down the hall

hushed whispers behind closed doors

i stood silently behind the counter

watching, waiting expectantly

jules?                                                         your daddy had a stroke

he’s going to be okay

i didn’t understand the tears behind their eyes

he’s okay, he has to be okay

i saw him yesterday

he took ant and i to the lego store

we built houses and watched trains go by

nana told me i needed to be strong for my mom

that it was a good thing mom had called 911 so quickly

that we were lucky

that he was lucky

that God had performed a miracle

was she crying? i couldn’t tell through the phone

it’s good jules is in new york they said

it’s good she wasn’t at home when it happened they said

he was over-stressed


there was a hole

a birth defect

sophia’s difficult, jules’ ocd is insufferable

ant’s an angel

they’ll take care of each other

i squeezed dad too tight when i saw him in the hospital

gentle jules they said

he’s fragile they said

no he’s not i retorted


my dad’s not fragile

he’s the strongest person i know

uncle mark slept in the hospital chair at night

took turns with mom

everyone in town brought us meals

mom can you start making tacos the way mrs. daly does?

mom can you start making broccoli the way mrs. dube does?

jules, take care of your brother and sister

take care of them

like you took care of sophia when ant was born

when you learned to pour milk into cereal

like when they were at the hospital for a new baby

instead of for dad

he walked the whole length of the hallway today

this is good news kids

dad could always do that though?

dad can swim the whole length of bantam lake and back

dad can build campfires and hike every mountain in western mass

dad can drive all night long so mom can sleep

bruce springsteen and john denver through the radio

songs spilling softly over the hum of the red van

he doesn’t need his hearing aids to feel their heat

he grew a beard

mom teased that she liked it

that it made him look like a burly lumberjack

i wanted it gone

the scruff made my face itch when he hugged us from the wheelchair

it was the first thing he did when he finally came home

shave the beard

i watched him from the porch

slowly, steadily, walking towards me

towards soph, ant and i

toward the yellow house with the red doors

my eyes were hot with tears

i couldn’t understand why i was crying

gentle jules



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