by Lin Flores


Before I enter captured

nostalgia, I kiss the clear night sky

hello. As Travis Scott comes

on we bounce shoulders back,

we vibe, we ride, we glide round

the rink like we were meant to slide

in and out of each other like lovers

or friends do but I spot two boys

who know the meaning of lover

the way I want to, the way I might

have been with you. These boys

though, they circle each other gingerly

gently grinning not-so-secret

messages between the blades of

their brimming joy gleaming

shine of their teeth and shy smirks.

I watch them work to court one

another. One boy, black and lean,

begins voguing on beat, regal

rink leader and the other follows,

he a broad brown beauty and their

reflections light up the gloss of the floor,

the color of the rainbow, they, the stars

of this galaxy. When we circle each other,

I nod with bright recognition & respect

for our shared queerness here, skating

like star babes, star gays in a het. haze

and they return a nod back as gentle

acknowledgment for our shared space,

I stargaze for a love like

two boys voguing at the roller rink.


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