
by Gabe Reitzes



Sedimentary rocks are formed

when sediment

                         a naturally occurring material

                         broken down

                         by processes of

                         weathering, erosion

Deposited out of air,

ice, wind, gravity,

and water flows,

carrying the particles

in suspension.

Everything will be buried eventually.

Ships sunken, bones

broken or in tact,

butterfly wings

and cow pies

lose definition,

in time.

As sediments accumulate in a depositional environment,

older sediments are buried by the younger, and

undergo diagenesis

                         includes all the chemical,

                         physical, and biological changes

                         exclusive of surface weathering


Under, gone.



a deeper burial takes place.




will not survive the process.

The mineral dissolved from

strained contact points is

redeposited in the unstrained

pore spaces.

Pressure solution—

This further reduces porosity

and makes the rock more

compact, competent.

Heat, pressure, time

Mud, silt, detritus

At sufficiently high temperature and pressure,

the realm of diagenesis makes way

for metamorphism


                         of existing rock to a rock

                         with different mineral composition

                         or texture.

The rock remains

mostly solid.


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