by Kinsale Drake

                         for Buffy Sainte-Marie



none of my ancestors are on the radio

none of my ancestors are

but my sister refurbished

an 8-track and I want buffy in her

purest form: NDNs huddled in a basement

somewhere, listening to bootlegged

tapes, except the basement’s

not a basement. it’s a truck bed—

(someone’s uncle’s GMC) wheedling

over a lip of river cuz

the best thing about rock n roll is

you don’t have to do anything right

to survive. you don’t even have 

to make sense to a white english

professor who wants chronology

when I want buffy and a truck careening

into the horizon. I want the explosion

as grand as cicadas amping 

out the sound of night as the 8-track

rolls and rolls and buffy 

lives forever instead of on

some balding president’s blacklist,

and through the smoke I almost want

to mistake a splinter of moonlight

for her yellow dress, all the NDNs

dusting themselves off 

and laughing at the smolder,

the little wheel spin and spin

the little wheel spin


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