What’s Home Like?

by Anthony Ornelaz

It’s all here,

In tendrils of wrathful grapes.

Steinbeck witnessed while Chavez rioted

Dust-devils swirling, swirling, swirling, gone.

Underneath a dusty plate, in the glance of a slant-eyed cat, and the wrinkles of an Oldman

Beauty accumulates.

I learned my ABC’s here

Watched a man get runover on 46 too.

I can still feel the foggy morning breath of alfalfa fields,

And the Indian mud beneath my worn brown feet. 

A place with tilled soil and readied seed.

It’s where Frank met Helen and planted themselves.

They walked on earth and now live in me—

Two stalks of corn touching in the arid wind.

Just like grandpa, just a like a farmer

I pluck a light-skinned wheat straw, placing it between cracked lips.

So much grows here, 

but no one knows

The county of Kern,

Where a flat, camel-colored ground met a drought-ridden sky.

Workers with picking quotas

Families deciding food or light.

Where trains howl nightly—

They rumble over weeds and moonlit strawberries.

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