Survival as Aesthetic Matter

by Letitia Chan

There are few things I want

that are not you. Few thoughts

there be in my head though

there could be many if I

willed it so. One must preserve

one’s dignity, smartness,

somehow. My mind has been

sleeping. The heart is the only

part of me that has not slept,

has not been sleeping, been

a wanting engine. Fog city

of incoming sickness.

What we’ve been dwelling on

hasn’t been enough. The comfort

one finds in fearing is

treacherous. If I could fill

my days with work or anything

of its nature, would I be so much

less consumed? The people

were out there becoming

felled of themselves, and the streets

now, desolate. Epidemic

has a pink tongue. The comfort

one finds in fear swallowing

its nasal drip this whole time.

Down the throat my mother’s

feverish orchids from the market.

I’ve been thinking of

everything I don’t know how

to touch. You were a beautiful

thing. Well grown, strong.

Nothing of despair

could kill you. Stripped of its

possibilities I sit by the sill

each day looking to each thing

that has still existed. Its wonder.

My vocation is this: trying

to be your love, moving into

the shadow of it, being aware

this whole time I’ve had luck enough

to be in the right place as you.

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