Blood Stained Glass

by K. Miaya Webster

               A tribute to the 4 little girls murdered

               in the bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church

               Birmingham, Alabama 1963

It was a Sunday morning.

A canvas of dresses, 

pressed collars and full sleeves 

decorate the concrete. 

Socks with lace on the ankles,

hair bows and ribbons breeze 

against brown skin.

They looked so much like angels

you’d think they had found salvation that day.


It was a Sunday morning.

Choir voices and clapping hands

hymnals so soul-stirringly spiritual

this Sabbath was sacred

before these 4 bodies turned to mosaics.

This air was different

as 4 little girls’ feet walked,

eager and innocent to Glory,

you could feel the ancestors already mourning.

It was a bloody Sunday morning. 


The rocks cried out

crumbling around them as foundations shook

and earth split beneath

glass and flesh. 

Their souls, pure as Resurrection 

like Christenings and Baptisms


lining the sidewalks of this Holy place like flower petals

in the Audubon Ballroom.

The city died that day as 

Heaven was weeping.

New angels had arrived

and we knew their names.

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