Alive or living?

by Leah Zogby

Know or guess,

Love or bleed,

Think or obsess,

Desire or need?

Then or now,

Close or near,

Say or vow,

Surrender or fear?

House or home,

Feel or touch,

Stay or roam,

Depend or crutch?

Start or end,

Lost or found,

Fix or mend,

Sunk or drowned?

Which part of me,

I do not know,

Will set Me free

Or let Me show.

Or should I cease

This futile hunt?

And just put on

A singular front?

I bend and I break,

In a way that feels wrong,

To both of my Me’s,

Just to belong.

But what if we all

Existed in two’s

And there was someone for Me

And someone for You?

In every heart that I hold

In all the eyes that I see

Lives the soul or another

That may lead me to Me.

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