The Most Beautiful Thing in the World -

by Merrick Ramza

for Diane


[the dead girl isn’t dead but she still screams like she is. he can’t save her.
the dream is dreaming of the dreamer/ the (dead) girl was
admired. her body: sublime. her mind: semi-automatic. no one
knew like they thought they did. she hid herself behind blonde
bangs and naïve facades. she was desired by pining eyes. a feral
soul with an omniscient demeanor. her killer craved more. the
woods is safety isolated in midnight horror. she knew she was
going to die that night. the killer knew this was the first step to a
bigger plan. the hammer to the skull grounded her and for a
moment she was free. her soul: distancing. but her story didn’t end/
the agent was destined to find her. he was the best of his class. he
meditated to listen to the world. he understood mystery until he
was assigned to her case. the dead girl told him the secret that
would save her, whispered in tongues, in a dream. memory is a
faulty machine. the agent chases after what he’s forgotten. he
follows clues that are behind. he wanders the time and space to
find her. words fail reality. he listens to the static while she warps
the world to stay lost. his soul dividing. she is not free anymore.
she is phantom. the dream is dreaming of who]

                                                                   -      is missing.

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