
by Maxime Berclaz

On July tenth, 1925, the expedition left for the membrane-valley. Summer hung falcon
over limestone, distending the cypress trees. The expedition held nothing in common.
The expedition traveled the area of closure. The expedition found themselves in
urnwaters, five reflections. It was not a question of distance. Repeated images of
ameloblasts crawled along the cliffs on arc-lamp cilia. The limestone cuckoo lingers as
a marine organism. Five born shells. Five bulbous veils.

The expedition is not the area of closure. The land-form manifests as a reflecting.
Haematite, the beak a vessel of mirrors mandible-feathered, some eggs survive the
digestive fluid, a thousand thousand antennal limbs apparition the solar compass. The
land-form manifests as a phasmid.

The cuckoo in the reflection. The expedition is not. On July tenth, 1925, the expedition
left for the locus-egg. Repeated images of the expedition crawled along the mirror
cliffs on amphibious trunks. The phasmid is just the dissemblance, the locus itself the

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